

Working in the hair transplant field for over 27 years and exclusively with FUE technique since 2010 I had the chance to try many devices Trivellini device showed the most efficient one due to many reasons such as: multiphase device that allows to adapt the settings for each patient and hair characteristics and also this is the only device that has smart react that allows a much faster extraction
I’m a big fan of Trivellini devices

I'm Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong, MD, FISHRS from Bangkok Thailand.

I have been using Trivellini machine and punches since they launched the product. My patients are from around the world, Caucasians, Asians ,Afro American, they have vary in hair characteristics , Trivellini has multiphase parameters that you can adjust to extract the best grafts from each patient. It's fast and have good quality of grafts.

I'm very happy with the Trivellini product, currently, I have 3 machines, I really recommend for who that are looking for FUE device, you can't go wrong with Trivellini system.

FUE Is an incredible technique for hair transplant, but can be very demanding and time-consuming. The big challenge is to become faster while maintaining the quality. Now I have been using the nano system for the last 4 years. It is amazing how it changed my work. My extraction speed moves from 700 extraction per hour to 1.200-1.500 per hour. Now my sessions ranges from 2500 to 3000 follicular units, and I can accomplish this task usually in 2h to 2h 40’. Except in hard cases that my speed drops to 1000 extractions per hour. Not only fast, but also my transection rate moves from previously 5 to 7% to now 2 to 4%, usually 2.5%. The results are also very consistent and predictable. As a side note, I would like to comment the role of suction, that helps to clean the field and stabilize the grafts for a clean and fast cut. Looking for the new advances in the system.

Mi experiencia ha sido demasiado buena. Ha superado mis expectativas. La maquina pienso que es inigualable. Es muy versátil y se puede parametrizar de acuerdo a cada caso. Los casos difíciles se volvieron menos difíciles. Los punches tienen la medición de diámetro correcta. Esto es de vital importancia para poder tratar la zona donante de manera adecuada y dejar muy poco visibles las cicatrices. Completamente recomendada toda su tecnología

I was using the regular rotatorty motor, but had difficulty in some cases during extraction. Especially the once in which the attachment of the hairs was very firm in the deep dermis. After I have started using the Trivelline device I am getting very good graft quality. The transactions have reduced compared to other motors. In cases were there was thicker attachment also there is very good graft extraction.

There is overall improvement in the quality of grafts. And increase the quantity of the grafts and hairs as there is lesser transaction. This ensures that my results of hair transplant are also improved.

The device have been very thoughtfully made. Really appreciate the hard work in making of this device.

In my practice, my team and I have performed over 13,000 hair transplants, with over 10,000 FUE procedures since 1999. Trivellini has been our go-to FUE device for years. We performed our first FUE procedure in 1999 using large bore needles and then 1mm biopsy punches and other manual tools, then mechanical/rotational devices starting in 2007 and we abandoned strip harvesting completely in 2013. Over that time, we’ve used dozens of different devices from Mindex to rotocore, and neograft, smartgraft, ARTAS, and many others. Trivellini’s simplicity of touch-screen use and flexibility in programming rotational/oscillational features, punch sizes/shapes, in addition to its ergonomic feel has enabled us to accurately and efficiently harvest FUE grafts from the scalp, beard and body, including long hair (non-shaved) extractions. From simple cases to the most challenging, Trivellini works! (That’s why we have one in EVERY operation room!) In addition, the service and support has been exceptionally good over the years. I highly recommend Trivellini to any surgeon, novice to advanced. We look forward to continued advancements in the instrument and hope to be amongst the first to try any new hardware or software. Sincerely, Alan Bauman, MD ABHRS
